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Privacy Policy

This Privacy notice explains how and why we collect personal data, and the ways in which we may use this data.

Changing Lives is registered with the Information Commissioners Office under the Data Protection Act as a Data Controller: Reference number ZA131306.

Who we are

Changing Lives run a group of charity shops in the Bristol and North Somerset area. We are owned by the charity RE:MISSION and all profits go to support RE:MISSION’s work with people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. For more information, please visit

Why and how we collect information

Changing Lives collects information from customers for the following reasons –

  • Collection/delivery of furniture etc. – Name, address and telephone number.
  • Gift Aid donation – Name, address, telephone number, email address.

How we use this information

Collection and delivery details are used so that we can fulfil our commitment to deliver or collect from the correct address, and contact you if necessary.

Gift Aid donor information is kept as a requirement of HMRC, to enable us to inform you of the monies we have raised from selling your donated items, and to claim the Gift Aid from HMRC.

How information is retained and kept safe

Printed driver’s sheets, containing names, addresses and telephone numbers are kept securely (in a locked cupboard), for one month and then destroyed by shredding or burning.

Driver sheets remain on the computerised system, which is password protected, with restricted access to authorised members of staff.

Gift Aid sign up sheets are kept in a locked filing cabinet only accessed by authorised members of staff.

Gift Aid donor information is also loaded onto the computerised system which is only accessible to authorised members of staff.

Who will the information be shared with

Delivery and collection information (names, addresses and phone numbers) is shared with the drivers to enable them to carry out their duties.

Gift Aid donor information is shared with HMRC to enable RE:MISSION to claim the Gift Aid on the sale of donated items.

No debit or credit card numbers are stored or shared.

Your right to withdraw your consent for us to hold/share your personal information 

You have the right to withdraw consent to us using your information, though this will of course have consequences regarding collection/delivery if items, or claiming of Gift Aid.

You can also request to be informed of the specific personal information we are holding. Please contact the Office Manager at Changing Lives, Unit 2A Kimberley Rd, Clevedon N Somerset BS21 6QJ, or email

And request a Subject Access Request form.

The Policy corresponding to this Notice is available at any Changing Lives shop, and is reviewed every two years.

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