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Our Programmes

Volunteer Plus

A 12-month initiative designed to support individuals on their path to recovery after experiencing trauma. We believe in a holistic approach, providing a support package that addresses physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.

Volunteer Plus includes:

  • Person-centred counselling: we provide one-to-one sessions to explore trauma and its impact.
  • Housing assistance: Andrew House offers a safe space to live in community with others. The residential aspect of the programme is only open to men.
  • Meaningful volunteering opportunities: We connect with and serve our community.  Our beneficiaries develop valuable skills to build confidence through volunteer work.
  • Comprehensive life skills training: We teach essential skills like budgeting, job search assistance, and healthy living habits.

"Since coming to Andrew House in January 2023, I am no longer in my toxic relationship and have had support to set boundaries with things. I am now 2 years clean and sober, the longest in the last 20 years."

Volunteer Plus Residential

Located in Clevedon, close to the sea, our 11-bed Victorian house provides the perfect environment for healing and growth. Our therapeutic community offers a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment for men aged 18+ recovering from trauma.

  • Recovery support: Our dedicated team provide personalised care though a combination of individual support plans and recovery-oriented group sessions.
  • Long-term support: Our programme lasts 12-18 months, offering a stable and supportive environment for lasting change.
  • Transitional support: We don't just help our beneficiaries heal, we also support you in finding your next home, whether it's independent living or with family.
  • Mentoring: Trained volunteer mentors provide ongoing guidance and support throughout recovery, for both residential and non-residential individuals.

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