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About us

Our mission: Building a Brighter Future

Changing Lives is a Christian-led charity founded in 2015 to support people facing challenges like addiction, mental health issues, offending, and homelessness. Working locally in North Somerset and Bristol, we provide employment training, advice, and accommodation for those recovering from addiction at our supported living centre, Andrew House. Our business ventures raise essential funds for our charitable work in the local community, enabling us to continue our mission to help those in need to find hope and a future.

  • Healing from trauma
    Understanding experiences of trauma helps us create better support. We listen to each person’s story and tailor our services to their needs, so they can work towards a positive future.

  • Through supportive  programmes
    Our innovative programs equip people with the tools needed to achieve  lasting   change, exceeding the limitations of short-lived interventions.

Sustainable transformation

We don't believe in quick fixes. Long-term transformation is woven through everything we do:

Our programmes • Our finance • Our products

Explore our programmes

There are 2 potential paths for our beneficiaries; Volunteer Plus & Volunteer Plus Residential

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